White Rose Head preview

The University of York Boat Club are hosting their annual race, the White Rose Head, this weekend. Despite the recent flooding and a very muddy boathouse, the 3km upstream head race on the River Ouse will go ahead as planned this Saturday. The race has two divisions; in the morning at 10.30 is the Senior Men’s VIII, Women’s 4+/4-/4x, Fresher Men’s 4+ and Women’s VIII. And division two, 1.30pm sees the Men’s 4+/4-/4x, Women’s VIII, Fresher Men’s VIII, and Fresher Women’s 4+ all race.

The race is the first opportunity for York’s novice rowers to get out and race on the water after a tough but enjoyable first term of rowing. It will also be the perfect opportunity to see how both the senior men and women’s squad have settled back into their boats. With some incredible results from BUCS indoors (an indoor rowing tournament in Sheffield) where most notably, Oliver Degerstedt stormed to victory in the Senior Men’s 2k category with a time of 6:26.8; and Sarah Robley who won the Senior Women’s Lightweight category with a time of 7:43:6, it promises to be an exciting day of racing.

Ed Scobie, UYBC President said: “This year’s race has tripled in size. With over 60 crews attending from across 13 different universities in the northern region. Amy Finch and Alice Farley, race co-ordinators have done an incredible job organizing the whole event, having a huge crowd supporting would be the icing on the cake.” UYBC recommend the place to stand is by Millenium / Skeldegate Bridge or even the Lowther!

Following the day’s racing UYBC have organised a prize giving at 7pm in D-Bar and then on to Tokyo for a big post race social with all competing universities. If you want to come along, head down to D-Bar – tickets with a queue jump is £3!

9 thoughts on “White Rose Head preview

  1. Can we please get an image at some point that is actually of UYBC instead of continually using this one? They are beautiful people.

  2. Jurgen I told you to get off the web and plan our 2016 campaign, god should have never got him on Facebook and Twitter.

  3. God Vision done it now, Jurgern is sulking in the Pink Palace refusing to come down to Cavesham now, who is going to get Triggs-Hodge to row tomorrow.

  4. Isn’t Harry Dorrance King in UYBC? There’s a lot of words to describe him but beautiful isn’t one of them…

  5. Image has now been changed to the White Rose Head poster, as was originally intended, but some issues with the file which was sent meant it was delayed.

  6. Pete Reed, who’s is this Harry fellow if he is ugly maybe I can use him to distract the War Pigs into staying on the erg

  7. Pete, don’t be mean. Harry has told me he’s very upset by your comment, and you don’t want to see him upset. That really isn’t pretty.

  8. Ray who is this Harry fellow, so much chat about him he must be important.

  9. Thoroughly enjoyed watching the racing for the Millenium Bridge. Well done to all this taking part, especially for the crews that entertained with trees and crabs
    Well organised inspire of the slow Tug delaying things a bit


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