Tweet-a-treat: Halifax in social media cake delivery plans

To help revision, Halifax currently has ‘Tweet a Treat’ for hard going revisers.

The idea of the event is simply to tweet @halifaxcollege between 6pm-7pm every Monday with your court, house and flat (if appropriate). Those without Twitter can comment on the Halifax College Freshers page with their order.

You can then order a homemade cupcake or brownie for 50p and it is delivered to your door.

If a hard earned break is needed, JJ’s is holding free tea, coffee and hot chocolate breaks between 8pm and 10pm. College Tutors are available for advice and snacks to recharge and de-stress.
“After a very successful spring term we were keen to keep up the momentum of Halifax RAG. We wanted to minimise the effort for students to be involved and remind them that they should still ‘treat’ themselves during revision.”

All money raised goes toward Macmillan Cancer Support with the prevention of having to leave your house, with minimal contact with other people.