Blood, Sweat & First Years: Who’s having the most fun?

At this time of year, the library is a place of stressed students, endless fights for seats and Sixth Form students. Currently with not enough space for UoY students themselves, A-Level students are also using the library and taking up valued seats.

This means students are arriving earlier and earlier to get a ‘good’ seat and continually staying later as exams are literally right on top of us.
Those who do arrive later than 9am find themselves searching in the deepest depths of the library just to find the glint of a seat. Complaints from library students are currently not only aimed at A-Level Students but also 1st years whose examinations do not count as much as other years.

‘Spotted: University of York Library Revived’ and ‘Library Seats’ on Twitter are currently covered in banter, both hilarious and outrageous, on the current doings of stressed students who are quite literally forgetting what they are there for. They are also a great procrastination plan, where communally students can comment on the on-goings around them.

Jacob Roth, a second year Physics student, compared the library to “the human manifestation of a Sardine tin” from the pure amount of students living their days in the library.

However the Uni Of York Library is doing its best for students in coping for the capacity of studiers. Staff at the library are currently pointing the way to empty seats upon entrance and the Twitter page is doing its best to communicate any problems students may have, such as squealing toddlers in JBM.

Another problem students are facing is sleep. The amount of revision added with lack of sleep means students are falling asleep during revision in the library. The heated
weather outside and stress from revision is creating anger for whose who can’t find seats.

One thought on “Blood, Sweat & First Years: Who’s having the most fun?

  1. What a load of shit. First years should be encouraged to get into the routine of working properly in the library. I have as much right as the second and third years.

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