24/7 Unibus service to run during term

The number 44 Unibus service, which travels around campus and to York city centre, will now be running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, starting term time.

An announcement on the York Bus website has stated that they will run “every hour after midnight, 7 days a week”, and that normal daytime fares will apply for this overnight addition, in addition to the use of bus cards being as per usual.

This addition to the service has been created to save money on expensive taxi fares late at night or early in the morning, and to allow students to study on campus until late, or even just to get an early start on the day.

Lizzie Connolly, a third-year Philosophy student, is “delighted” by the addition, and thinks that it will “save money, be a safer option for intoxicated students, and will be very useful, especially to students living on campus.”

However, not all students are pleased. A third-year History student, who wishes to remain anonymous, believes that “this is just another sign that the human race is becoming lazier,” and that “we are proceeding into an age of obesity, if a 20 minute walk has to be replaced by a bus.”

What are your thoughts, York?

The service will start at the beginning of Freshers Week in September.

2 thoughts on “24/7 Unibus service to run during term

  1. i think it is very subjective. I finished the uni last summer and remember myself walking back home from library at around 3-4 at night to holgate road totally exhausted passing by drunk chavs. I am a man who did martial arts and still think that it was quite dangerous, while for girls “the level of dangerous” is higher. Therefore, i am quite glad that unibus will be running 24/7.

  2. Just because you live 20 minutes away from town, doesn’t mean everyone does. For students who live on campus and surrounding areas such as Osbaldwick and Badger Hill, this will be a great way to save money.

    It also means that students can go home by themselves if they need to without walking for a hour late at night on their own.

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