20 Questions with Bowling for Soup

American Pop-Punk four piece Bowling for Soup are best known for Tracks declaring their lust for ‘The Girl All The Bad Guys Want’, recapturing their inner teenager in ‘High School Never Ends’ and chronicling a time-looped mother trapped in ‘1985’. Based in Texas, the Grammy Nominees (who will be not so gracefully gracing York’s very own The Duchess on 29th March) offer their lead singer Jaret Reddick to divulge his opinions on Soup, English Mustard and why he is, in fact, a Banjo.

American Pop Punk four piece Bowling for Soup

1. What would be your X-Factor audition song?
I would think ’18 and Life’ by Skid Row… Or maybe ‘Mr. Jones’ by Counting Crows… No way I am getting past the audition, so I might as well do it in style!

2. If High School really never ends, what clique to you belong to now?
The good one that gets all the bootie!

3. Weirdest experience on stage?
I’m in a rock band… The whole thing is pretty weird.

4. If tomorrow you became world rulers, what would be the first thing you did?
Appoint someone as world manager so we could just drink beers and watch home improvement shows on TV.

5. Snog / Marry / Avoid: Debbie Harry, Jared Leto, The Girl All The Bad Guys Want
Snog – Debbie Harry
Avoid – Jared Leto – Not that I have anything against the guy… I just don’t want to hump him!

6. Chicken soup or tomato?
I am more of a stew guy… maybe a nice minestrone.

7. Best year of your life so far? 1985?
2003 – My first baby was born…Grammy Nomination… And BFS had our first hit… Big year.

8. If you could be any cocktail, what would you be and why?
Miller Lite – Because I would be delicious, refreshing and get ya drunk (eventually).

9. Are you partial to a bit of air guitar?
I can honestly say, I have never “air-guitared” unless mimicking Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

10. Who would you least like to be stuck in a windowless jail cell with?
Queen Latifah

11. Describe BFS in five words

Really Awesome Dudes That Rule.

12. Do you have any pre-performance routines?
See question 8!

13. You’ve just fallen into radio-active waste, what is your new superhero name?
Captain Awesome.

14. Best fan mail ever?
Chris once got naked pics from a fans mom… We put them up in the van… She seemed very nice.

15. Your life’s worst hangover so far: How? What? Where? When? Why?

16 years old, my brothers apartment… Got drunk on Coors Light… Didn’t drink beer again for over 10 years! pretty sure I had alcohol poisoning… I don’t recommend this!

16. Do you know what a ‘two way’ is?
Yes I do… I wrote that sh*t!

17. If you were a guitar, what kind would you be and why?
I’d be a banjo… I have no idea why… But that is a fact!

18. Spotify: yay or nay?
Yep… I’m in!

19. Texan BBQ sauce or English mustard?
BBQ sauce for sure… I am not an English mustard fan….

20. And finally, in your opinion, does the music make the band or the band the music?
The band makes the music… good music can’t turn a**holes into non-a**holes… But there are some a**holes that make great music!


3 thoughts on “20 Questions with Bowling for Soup

  1. First. :P

    Saw you guys back in August in Oregon with the Dollyrots, all you guys are great. Keep doing what you’re doing for as long as you can. :D

  2. These 20 questions define why everyone should like you! Another smile in my day brought to me by BFS! Seen you guys 5 times…met you 4 times! Awesome doesn’t even begin to describe the experience!

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