York Encampment Launches Emergency Rally

Protestors march around Campus West in an organised rally


On Friday, starting from the encampment outside Heslington Hall, protesters walked through Campus, waving flags, holding placards and chanting in response to the Vice Chancellor’s recent email addressing their demands

On Thursday evening, the York Palestine Encampment announced on its Instagram that it was organising an ‘emergency rally for Palestine’.  

At 12 p.m., one of the speakers addressed the crowd: “I think Charlie Jeffery has failed the test. He has neglected his morals and legal responsibilities—the cowardice of our University—our souls cannot know peace until the people of Palestine know justice.”

Making their way across the lake and gathering at Greg’s Place, key figures spoke and read emotive poetry while a Palestinian flag waved in the wind. Many people attending wore face masks, wanting to remain anonymous.

A Staff member and NHS employee voiced their discontent with Jefferey’s email saying, “I am disgusted. There was no mention of genocide and only one pro-Palestine comment.”

One of the organisers also spoke about the email from Jeffery, labelling it “horrific”.

Placards read messages like ‘From the River to the sea Palestine will be Free,’ and, addressing University management ‘Your silence will be studied by your grandkids.’

Protesters then made their way to the Student Union (YUSU) offices, congregating outside the entrance for several minutes. Few people appeared to be inside the building, but as the rally walked past, some of the protesters tapped on the glass windows.