YUSU are probing ‘sexist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets made to candidates at last week’s election hustings.
Sam Maguire, the YUSU President, said an investigation was under way after a female running for Academic Officer was told to get her “baps out”.
A second tweet, sent to another candidate for Academic Officer, linked his appearance with the Israel-Palestine conflict.
One of the tweets sent said: “Get your baps out Hannah.”
A second said: “Give that every man is an island. Why is yours annexing Palestine? Tron.”
Hustings host Graeme Osborne slammed the tweets.
Sam Maguire said: “I’d like to echo the chair of the debate, Graeme’s, sentiment: that we live in a country in which women and Jewish people can run for office and that people need to get over this and see candidates as candidates.”
He added: “We will be reviewing what we can.”
It comes just five months after a York Vision investigation uncovered a private Twitter account set up by members of the hockey club posting racist, ableist and sexist messages.
I would hardly call the tweets anti semitic, he is merely questioning the Israel Palestine conflict and in his opinion the approach take by the Israel government. Stop sensationalising
Except that by the European Working Definition of Anti-Semitism (which the union adheres to), placing blame for the actions of Israel on one individual Jew (Tron in this case) is Anti-Semitic.
Everyone would agree that it would be ridiculous to blame a British person for the collective actions of their government, so therefore, it is equally ridiculous to blame Tron for the actions of Israel (especially given his quite loud commitment to peace and a two state solution)
@A T: Holding all jews responsible for israeli policy IS anti-semitic.