Academic Officer Resigns

Deb Dey announces his resignation as Academic Officer in a YUSU statement - "A Goodbye from Deb"

(Image: YUSU)

YUSU Academic Officer Deb Dey resigned his position on Wednesday morning and will not be continuing the role into his second year.

Deb was re-elected for the role during YUSU elections last month. He states the change in plans comes due to a job offer which allows him to stay in Yorkshire and supports his right to remain in the UK, beyond what the sabbatical officer role can provide.

Deb’s statement on YUSU’s website continues: “At a time when the attitude to migration in the UK is not always welcoming, when immigration comes at a huge price, the offer of help and support to work, live and share my skills in the UK is very considerable.”

Deb also notes a range of frustrations in his decision making, blaming the barriers placed upon student voice by the University.

Scepticism regarding student demand and reluctance to trust less professional voices were listed as his complaints of academia and Russell Group universities.

He hopes the new Academic Officer will continue to push his primary achievement of self-certification, and can try new tactics.

“I hope that a new Academic Officer can try new tactics, build a new vision and make more progress towards opening the doors to a wider diversity of voices on academic decision making.”

Following these complaints, Deb reflects on his time in the role.

“I think I learnt more from being a sabbatical officer in many ways than I did my course.”

“The UK education system is incredible and about so much more than just the classroom. Students’ Unions also create clubs, societies, communities, events, campaigns that help us share and learn at least as much as we do from the syllabus.”

He also takes note of his own achievements as Academic Officer.

“In my first election campaign I promised lots and it was only as I really settled into the role…that I really started to understand what was possible.

“In some instances what was possible was way greater than I had expected. 

“But I also discovered change takes time and I will leave behind more work to be done.”

Deb ends on his hopes for international students on campus: “We must stop thinking international students are all wealthy and able to afford the rent, living costs and opportunities in York and offer more financial support to them.”

Highlighting his sorrow for not being able to continue working to deliver his mandate, Deb highlights the range of Course, Department and Faculty Reps, Part-Time Officers, union staff, Sabbatical Officer team and “a wonderful student population” who can keep it going.

“Know that, whoever is the Academic Officer next year, they need the support and encouragement of you all to make the progress that York students deserve, and I will be cheering you all on as you go on that journey.”

Deb will be leaving the YUSU Academic Officer role prior to Easter. YUSU’s by-election timeline for spring term is yet to confirm whether the Academic Officer role will be included.