We Moustache You To Help

Movember. It’s the clever little portmanteau that is on everyone’s bitterly-cold lips this month, whether they can grow glorious facial hair or not. In this month formerly known as November, and apparently still referred to as such by the females among us, we see marvellous sprigs of facial hair spring up on the upper lips of an entire gender in a unison unparalleled in the world of gentlemen’s activities and causes. The month starts with a cleanly shaven face on the 1st. Following this, you must allow your face to blossom into a beautiful field of facial hair before carefully pruning it into a beautiful piece of topical topiary. If this idea of synchronised sprouting of ‘staches strikes you as somewhat strange, let us sooth your shock by shedding some light on why the men amongst you should join the ranks of the mo-bros…


They say charity begins at home and nothing sits more at home than the warming hair on your upper lip. Not simply to look like a dandy gent or Charlie Chaplin, the act of growing your moustache is a symbolic one. With your new furry friend, you’ll be a walking, talking, that-thing’s-definitely-stuck-to-his-face advertisement for the suffering of men everywhere.
Movember focuses on drawing attention to the often unsung issues of prostate and testicular cancer – for your fathers, uncles, grandfathers and brothers it’s the least you could do. Each and every chap should be standing proudly shoulder to shoulder with the rest of mankind for a brighter future for men.


In these cold months leading up to Christmas, there is no better way to embrace our red blooded stereotypes.
Explosive masculine statement aside, this really is the quintessential way not only to embrace our gender but to stand out from the crowds of blokes on campus. Whether you’re an eccentric Salvador Dali, a genius Albert Einstein, a punch-lining Groucho Marx or a moody Marlon Brando, there’s a style for every man.
And even if you do end up looking a little more Dick Dastardly when you’d prefer to look more Hulk Hogan, at least you look more masculine than a cleanly shaven chap.


Once you pass the painful stage of looking a little like a prepubescent school boy, there is a clear allure to the lip-hugging fashion accessory. Not only can a moustache draw attention to you, it can also help to define your face and distract from those little imperfections we all have.
Scars, spots, scrapes and signs of ageing all pale into insignificance when a member of the fairer sex beholds your brilliant moustache. Above all of this, it’s a quaint talking point on a night out or one of the most interesting ways for someone to remember you after meeting you in your favourite public house, or busting some gentlemanly jives on the dance floor.

So go forth men of campus, have a hair raising month trying something selfless and shaveless.

6 thoughts on “We Moustache You To Help

  1. Awfully witty, read with a smile on my face throughout. This sort of casual but persuasive writing for a good cause should certainly be a regular thing.

  2. Since I had a day off from milking this week, I decided to go and meet the author of this article and to my unbridled surprise discovered that he lacks the facial hair he so vehemently promotes. I really wish the author would either stop being so undeniably hypocritical or would just stop writing altogether. Don’t even get me started on that VJ’s trash, my mate Demba Ba and I went there the other day and I was very disappointed. Best regards, Moo.

  3. Such a sexist article, wouldnt be out of place in the 50s!!! The author is clearly backwards, where is the reference to all our hairy faced girls?! They are the real troopers! There is nothing better than a bit of a tickle when you are kissing a girl. Move with the times Nicholas!

  4. ^ Clearly has a bit of an issue growing facial hair, this article must remind him of all the joys he’s missing…

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