University helps create cash for York

Universities in York have helped the local economy to boom, according to recent figures unearthed by the York Press.

The university has helped contribute £5 billion to the regional economy in 2011-2012, and helped create 62,000 jobs.

The University along with its Science Park generated a  £380m income gain in York alone.

One third year student commented; “I think it is great that we now have proof that students contribute to the local area, not just in terms of cash but also in terms of volunteering and giving back to the City of York.

“We have a bad name, as locals only tend to hear about the noise we make and the fact that some of us occasionally vom outside Salvo on a Wednesday night. Big up York students!”

We bested rival Uni York St John, which by comparison contributed a measley £55m, and £19m of this was from their students splashing their cash in the City Centre.

York has benefited from hosting international students, who have spent £380m off campus.