Tweet for a seat

New twitter account @LibrarySeats may be the answer to the familiar problem of finding a seat in the library this exam season.

A University of York student has begun tweeting where spare seats can be found in the JB Morrell Library and Harry Fairhurst building and encouraging departing students to tweet where their vacated seats are too.

Since its first tweet on May 14th the account has attracted 175 followers and has been actively tweeting the seats available, helpfully including information about the availability of plug sockets, the type of chair and tips on how to get the best value for your money in Costa.

Second year student Megan Phillips highlighted the nerdiness of the idea; “It’s not the coolest idea, other unis come up with fit finder, we have the seat finder equivalent! It could definitely be useful if enough people used it though.”

Slow to start, students are now being increasingly active in aiding the philanthropic tweeter, messaging the account when they are leaving or have spotted spare seats, as well as asking if and where spaces are available.

Student Serena Rudge was enthusiastic about the account, commenting; “I think it’s really useful- even if it only helps a few people… students who have Twitter are pretty likely to procrastinate on it, if they see a free seat it’s easy to let others know.”

The account is available at

One thought on “Tweet for a seat

  1. Nerdy? I love it. An enterprising form of procrastination, who’d have thought it…

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