The Voice of York Vision

Vision Says….

Once again the University has totally disregarded the opinons of its students by compromising a range of serives.
Campus bars provide a central social hub for students and clsoing them once again damages college spirit.
Porters provide essential pastoral care to students, sometimes when they are most in need, cutting their services so drastically has a huge detrimental impact on the student experience of York students and is unnaceptable, particularly in the face of massive University expenditure in Heslington East.

Thumbs up to…

Congratulation to Student action for having their project ‘Minds in Motion’ shortlisted for two prestigious awards the ‘York Community Pride Award’ and the ‘Guardian Public Services Award’. Vision wishes you good luck.
Their nomination is testament to the good work that York students do in the local community and inspiration for Freshers of what can be achieved during your time at York.

Thumbs down to…

The BNP. Although Vision was founded on the basis of political neutrality we find the fascist BNP’s views so abhorrent that they are outside what is both politically and morally acceptable. We fully support James Alexander’s campaing to show they do not represnet our views and we can safely say ‘The BNP do not speak for us’. We would encourage all students who feel the same way to take the opportunity to sign up to the petition at the York Vision stand at this Saturday’s Freshers Fair.