The sun goes down

Students at DSC_0925 the University of York have campaigned for the second time for magazines and newspapers with offensive content to be banned from YourShop.

A Facebook event titled ‘York Uni SU: Stop profiting from offensive publications’ was posted last Friday, prompted by The Sun’s widely derided front page spread featuring the recently killed Reeva Steenkamp in a bikini.

It has called for a new referendum on selling adult publications and The Sun in the student union shop, on the grounds that the union should not profit from the victimisation of groups it claims to support.

The idea has been submitted to YUSU and is likely to make it onto the ballot. Nick Hall, Union Chair, has confirmed that it is very likely to reach a referendum after its consideration by the student trustee board.

A referendum on the same issue failed to pass in 2011. There is going to be a debate later this week which is open to all students. Bob Hughes, Welfare Officer, was pleased that the discussion has come to light: “It is very personal for a lot of students, either side of the debate.

“I hope that students engage with this debate respectfully, and I welcome everyone to have their say.”

The event creator, Helena Horton, told Vision: “I am not in favour of censorship and have no real problem with the presence of lad mags and The Sun on campus, but I do not think that our Union, which is supposed to help and represent us should be selling discriminatory material in its shop.”