The evil eyes of date rape

Following public outcry, Evil Eye have apologized for the naming of their new drinks; the ‘Rohypnol shot’ and the ‘Tough Love cocktail.’ Their ploy to “fight against the grain and get under peoples skin” for an “anti-valentines tribute” was not received well by its patrons.

shot glass with pills

The notorious student haunt, popularly alleged to be Jonny Depp’s favourite bar, announced on their Facebook page earlier today that they were bringing out these new drinks to coincide with Valentines Day. However, in the wake of a controversial name for a shot that could be interpreted as making light of date rape they were forced to quickly rescind their idea.

Bob Hughes, YUSU Welfare Officer, spoke out against the newly named drinks to Vision.

“I think that it is reprehensible and irresponsible to name a drink after something so traumatic and triggering for so many people.”

“Rape and rape culture are not to be joked about or used as a marketing ploy- they are serious and emotionally sensitive issues; ones we should be tackling, not laughing about.”

Shafqat Batchelor, a student at the University is outraged. “Apparently they’re doing it to ‘get under people’s skin,’ which is the nice way of saying ‘normalising rape culture, and alienating female customers’.”

Evil Eye’s management have since accepted that the idea was inappropriate and callous, posting a retraction of the names on their Facebook page. They explained to Vision that,

“In this instance we do apologise for any upset or anger we may have caused.”

“At Evil Eye we have always been known for the bizarre, twisted and taboo. The naming of the cocktail ‘Rohypnol’ was not meant to offend anyone and certainly was not meant to condone the use of Rohypnol.

“With hindsight it was a mistake and as a result we have removed the name ‘Rohypnol’”

“It was just a name for a cocktail, just as “Blood From A Cats Face” doesn’t support cruelty to animals and “Kick In The Head” doesn’t support violence of any kind.”

“Most of the suggestions by the public were far worse and the original post actually had more likes than complaints.”

Bob Hughes has since commented that; “Although I am glad that they have removed that name from the drink, I still find it incredibly troubling that they thought it would be appropriate to name it that way in the first place.”

“I hope that this sends a message to other bars and clubs that rape and rape culture are no laughing matter.”

Evil Eye are now looking for another name for Thursday’s cocktails, all ideas are welcome.


6 thoughts on “The evil eyes of date rape

  1. I’m not normally someone to go on about freedom of speech being attacked by the nanny state or rubbish like that but this is a little bit silly.
    Yes rape and actual Rohypnol is a very serious matter but it’s the name of a shot for goodness sake.
    Any cocktail menu is a long list of stupid names half of which don’t make sense and half of which sound either horrific or vaguely embarrassing to say to the bartender.
    Surely there are more important things for YUSU to get involved in, obviously nothing to do with the free publicity, or for people to be outraged about.
    Like get outraged about actual sexual assault rather than having a cocktail named after a drug associated with sexual assault. It’s like saying the ‘U-boat’ cocktail should be banned for being inappropriate and callous to vetrans of WWII.

  2. This is ridiculous. Simply a girl with far too much time, looking for issues and sensationalist stories where none exist. Get a better hobby.

  3. How would you feel if you had been raped or sexually assaulted and then a bar made light of it?

  4. I think it prudent that Evil Eye removed the name from their menu, and find the response discouraging.

    Whilst the incidence of drug related sexual assault amongst victims of reported (i.e. likely more) rape in the U.K. is about 3%, naming a cocktail “Rohypnol shot” in a bar where it is indeed possible that rohypnol and other sedatives have been used as a precursor to sexual assault is grossly ignorant at best, and potentially dangerous at worst. The comparison between the name and its potential consequences to “U-Boat” and its capacity to offend World War II veterans is whimsical and irrelevant.

    “Rohypnol shot” does nothing other than increase the likelihood of normalising rape in one of the worst places where the concept of rape should have currency. There simply are no benefits, and the joke isn’t a particularly good one. One less laugh in a crowded public bar about sedative related date rape the better.

  5. To Peter Marshall can I please re-iterate my point that I do not and never have seek to make light of sexual assault. It is a horrific and disgusting thing and I fully understand that it is a deeply traumatising assault.
    Nevertheless I do feel that the reaction to this shot was a little over the top as it is just a name of a shot.
    Alcohol is more commonly used as a sedative for sexual assault than any chemical drug, so really the entire concept of a bar with alcohol is open to attack but your line.
    Incidentally the U-boat example was not whimsical and irrelevant, the U-boat was an instrument of death and suffering to a great many mean and women in Britain and they was the site of many traumas to the men who served on them.
    I agree the joke isn’t that funny but in the end it’s a bad joke. Bad joke’s aren’t worth this much of an uproar.

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