Spotlight on Mac gaming

Until recently a niche market, the Mac app store and the OSX version of digital distribution network Steam, Mac gaming still suffers from dodgy PC translations, and low graphics capabilities. Here are three games that you get for your Mac that work well and are reasonably priced.


1. Knights of the Old Republic

Available on both Steam and the App Store, low graphics requirements and occasional bugs don’t mean that this game from BioWare, creator of Mass Effect, isn’t still one of the better RPGs out there. Create a character, wield a blaster and horrify your squadmates as you break into people’s flats and rob them of their thermal detonators.


2. Bioshock

A well-made port available on the App Store. This classic, known for its art-deco style runs convincingly on mid-range MacBooks. The spiritual successor to System Shock, it blends action and RPG elements together with a decent story and beautiful setting to make of the more memorable games of the generation.

One bro-fist you might have to turn down


3. Plants vs. Zombies

This cartoony turret-defence style game pits your garden against wave after wave of hungry zombies. Both funny and fun, it boasts a bright and colourful visual style that isn’t often enough teamed with complex gameplay as it is here. Cheap too, going for 6.99 on the App Store.

One thought on “Spotlight on Mac gaming

  1. Caught a spelling mistake there. You said “Here are three games”, when what you meant to say was “Here are THE three games”. Just being helpful!

    If you’re gaming on a Mac…


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