Plant Your Explosives: York scientist in finals of innovator contest

Niel BruceYork Scientist Neil Bruce has led his team to the final of an innovator contest after developing plants which are used to clean up explosive-polluted land.

The University of York professor enters the final within the ‘Social Innovator’ category for BBSRC ‘Innovator of the Year’ contest, which “recognises and rewards individuals and small teams who have harnessed the potential of their excellent research” in the form of a £15,000 award.

Neil is currently a professor of Biology in the ‘Centre for Novel Agricultural Products’, having conducted numerous research projects funded by BBSRC themselves.

“I am thrilled to have been selected as a finalist – our work represents a cost-effective, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing alternative to clean up explosives on contaminated land.”

The award ceremony takes place on March 20th at a high-profile London event.