Lacklustre library

“If it wasn’t so farcical, the University’s complete lack of planning, forethought and skill would actually be funny”, commented one student.

Despite the £20 million the University recently spent refurbishing the JB Morrell Library, many students who chose to remain in York over the Easter break have had cause to complain about the lack of enough seating at which they can eat and relax.

The new cafeteria, designed as the only space in which students are allowed to eat, drink and raise their voices has seating space for just 44 people and is expected to accommodate all of the students using the library ahead of the summer exam period.

The cafeteria’s ban on eating food brought in from outside also means that students wishing to eat their own food have been forced to use the corridors and sit on the floor.

“How can they have possibly spent million’s of pounds of our fees and taxpayers’ money on renovations that make such ill use of space and leave students crouched in hallways to eat their lunch?” commented Jack Knight, one third-year student who remained over the Easter holidays for the use of the library.

“The University are happy to boast that they have finally caught up with every other top rate university and are keeping the library open 24 hours. But what is the point in 24 hour opening times when for large parts of the day there simply isn’t enough room to house the students? This is a problem that is only going to get worse and worse as student numbers go up.”

“The library can’t cope with demand before term and finals have even begun…when York student numbers expand and term does begin, how is the newly refurbished library going to cope? “ added another third-year, Jaime Riley.

Aware of the complaints from students, the University Press Office commented that they were none-the-less “pleased at the success of the new library cafeteria” but went on to add, “we are aware of the issues which have arisen surrounding its use and are considering a range of possible options to address them.”

9 thoughts on “Lacklustre library

  1. i’m curious to the know the reason why the lobby space has been changed from an eating and seating area to a non-eating and non-seating designated for antique books. It’s a strange decision considering the lack of space in the canteen area.

  2. It’s a big thing out of nothing. The library’s purpose is not to eat or raise one’s voice, so I would suggest we move on.

  3. Or just…. not eat in the library. It’s not as if the library’s the only place you can eat on campus. It not as if it’s the only study space either. I found today studying that the Library was rammed but I went elsewhere and it was almost deserted. There is this fear by some uni students that you HAVE to be in the library to work but this is not the case!

  4. Also Vision poor show that’s a picture of the Old Library entrance, can we at least have the new shiny entrance? Complete with smokers and everything :D?

  5. Where am i going to eat my egg mayo sandwich? Ive been told its too smelly for the computer room…

  6. Not enough seats in the Cafe? Good grief, we couldn’t find a free seat in the library or harry fairhurst building at all during Week 1.

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