Hanging in there

The countdown is officially on for Christmas and the biggest “party season” of the year is in full swing. But all this dancing around the Christmas tree and the enjoying of mistletoe and (probably more prominently) wine, doesn’t come without its slightly painful pitfalls. The morning after inevitably comes and there’s nothing else you can do but face the consequences – which is why, here at Vision, we’ve come up with our top hangover treatments to stop you feeling like a ghost of Christmas past.

Planning ahead is the first option, afterall, prevention is better than cure. Obviously, the best solution to avoid hangovers is not to drink at all, or at least not to excess. Whilst as students it may be hard to believe that going for a sober night out can actually be fun, you’d be surprised as to how many people actually do it and you may even come to terms with the idea that you don’t have to drink to have a good time; your wallet will certainly agree. But, if you ‘have’ to drink, then research shows it’s best to stick to alcohol that is low in congeners such as vodka, rather than drinks such as red wine, which are high in them. Water is also a great healer and works well when drunk between alcoholic beverages or after drinking.

Don’t be lulled into thinking that a hangover is something a paracetamol can cure. Not only should they not be mixed with alcohol in the first place, but they are also metabolised by the liver and of course, this is the organ of concern when it comes to alcohol. With this is mind, it’s probably best to switch tablets for toast. Toast reverses the drop in blood sugar and (as a student favourite) it’s not too hard to make, no matter how precious you may be feeling.

If actual food seems like it could be a challenge, then a banana milkshake could be the cure of choice for you. High in vitamin B, potassium and electrolytes, this concoction of bananas, milk and ice cubes, is sure to replace all the goodness you may have been drained of the previous night. It’s also a tasty alternative to the traditional dry food route – we’d call it win win.

For the more continental hangover fighters amongst us, why not turn to the example of the French, who suggest a strong coffee, accentuated with a pinch of salt. Or, if that doesn’t take your fancy the Germans are said to encourage red meat, milk or raw herring pickled with mustard and juniper berries. Agreed, it doesn’t sound too appetising, but at least your motives would be of sophisticated origins.

Of course, there’s always the age old (and probably unbeatable) remedies of sleep and fresh air. Time is a great healer and should you have nothing to do, resting yourself is great for helping your body to recover. Failing this, if you have to get up – why not take a walk to clear your head? Oxygen is proven to speed up metabolism and so will help your body to remove the toxins caused from alcohol more easily.

Alternatively, if you want to opt for a really traditional method, legend has it that the ancient Romans turned to deep fried canaries to make amends for their over-indulgences. Okay, so it’s not really conventional or animal friendly, but when in (ancient) Rome…