Golfing Glam?

badly dressed golfersIt’s the Masters weekend and although the lucky golfers are basking in sunshine, we unfortunately have been subject to a wet weekend, meaning that our short pleated skirts and sleeveless cable knits have had to stay in the draw, so I felt it was only right for me to explore what other ways there are to dress like a golfing pro. I have come to the conclusion that the rather flamboyant pop candy pub golf look is not the correct attire for the eighteen holes.

Here’s the low down on what you can wear on a club golf course ( masters style) versus what would be more appropriate on a sports social night out. Namely ones around various watering holes including ziggys’s. let’s call it Demur versus Drag.

On the demur side we have plain caps,   Polo shirts (t-shirts are not allowed),  modest Slacks,  Shorts and for the women Skorts, paired with Golf shoes or sneakers.

For the ‘classy’ night out wear a plastic visor, Ultra short skirt or white hot pants, the men should wear some gariously checkered trousers, with the brightest checkered jersey and or  pullover. Couple this with knee high colour blocking socks (available in new look or Primark) and white plimsolls.

Attendee’s to the tournament in Georgia can be denied entry for improper attire, and for any fashionista this is the ultimate offence. Imagine having to totter your way back to the hotel while people in plaid waltz by? These are the rules before you’ve even stepped on the course, and unless you have a swing like Tiger Woods (not taking into account yesterday’s result) so turning up in tight, lime green trousers with a matching leather glove on your putting hand is not acceptable.
Although the golfing world likes to pride itself on its traditional dress and that of its “patrons” Decorum;  they do let rather a few fashion disasters slip through the cracks. Here are day one’s fashion faux pas, the geek dressing got a little out of hand as Ian Poulter was walking around in a granny’s  quilt. Boo Weekley displayed both a neon and camo look on the course, but the red pants and green jacket combo of Zach Johnson was enough to outshine all the rest, not even Wen Tang Lin’s jockey attire could steal the Masters 2013 worst dressed award.