Get In Shape For Summer: BOYS vs. GIRLS

Rachel Thompson  sources full body workouts to get you beach ready.


Girls- A twist on the traditional sit up is abdominal pulses. Lie on your back with toes on the ground (ankles lifted), elevate your shoulders reaching towards your toes and pulse arms for count of ten. Then lift legs so vertically above you, shoulders lifted away. Do three sets of each.

Boys– A twist, this is a rotational movement that targets every muscle in your core and helps to tighten your waistline. Place arms straight out in front of you (palms touching), then twist and hold the torso on each side alternatively. Do this for a count of twenty.


Girls- For strong arms the plank is always the best method. Hold a thirty second plank (balancing on your elbows) have a mini break and repeat three times. Followed by some dolphin dives- form the plank position, from here push your nose forward to the ground in front of your hands and then up towards the ceiling- repeat this smooth motion five times.

Boys-If you’re into fitness, you know how important and beneficial exercises like pull-ups are. They work your entire upper body from the back to the forearms. The reason an arched back pull-up is more efficient than a regular pull-up is because it works all of your pulling muscles at once. Arching your back using a neutral grip gives you a horizontal and vertical pull in one motion, intensely working out your arms. Do sets of ten until your arms fatigue.


Girls– Start in a narrow leg squat position, do eight individual squats, then sink down and hold the squat position for ten pulses, hold for a further five and then change to a wide leg position. Again, eight individual squats, ten pulses and a five second hold.

Boys– The table exercise, This works both the glutes and the back. Sit on the floor, legs bent, arms straight and fingers facing forwards. Drive your hips up to add strength to your glutes and back, then lower, repeat this action fifteen times.


Girls- Lunges are brilliant for creating strong, lean legs. Mix it up with static and dynamic sets. For static lunges do ten individual lunges, then do a ten second hold on each leg. Follow this with some dynamic lunges, do ten of these; jumping from one lunge position to the other.

Boys- Mountain climbers- Lock and load your core with this combination move that calls on both your stability and your explosive power. From your plank hold, jump feet forward and back alternating from leg to leg and remember control trumps speed. Do this exercise for one minute, pause, then repeat for another minute.