Extra £80,000 for colleges

An additional £80,000 has been made available from the Vice-Chancellor’s Initiative Fund to help support events and projects in the University of York’s colleges.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Students Jane Grenville is in charge of distributing the funds between the colleges. £40,000 has been distributed so far and Grenville has invited bids from College JCRCs and Provosts in order to distribute the remaining half.

Grenville asserted that it was important for the funds to be spent well so that a similar scheme can be implemented every year.

Speaking to Vision, Grenville commented: “I am very pleased that an additional £80,000 has been made available from the Vice-Chancellor’s initiative fund to support events and projects in colleges; this, coupled with the additional support which YUSU is providing to College JCRCs, should have a very positive impact on the experience of students in college in the coming year.”

YUSU President Tim Ellis shared Grenville’s sentiments: “It is great news that colleges are getting even more support from the University.”

Improvement to College services is high on Grenville’s list of priorities in the coming year and the University will be working closely with YUSU to achieve this.

In addition to the fund, Ellis has asserted that YUSU is dedicated this year to increasing the support given to college JCRCs.

According to Ellis, in preparation for future JCRC committees, YUSU are implementing a more thorough training programme in order to smooth committee handovers and are developing a
“college space” on their new website in order to create a closer working relationship between YUSU Officers and College Chairs. YUSU Health and Safety will also being working with University Health and Safety to help College organising events.

Vanbrugh College Provost David Effird told Vision that Vanbrugh College is very grateful to the Vice-Chancellor for providing additional funding to Colleges: “We greatly appreciate his most generous support and encouragement of the college system.”