College netball roundup

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Photos by Tom Wooldridge

Alcuin, Halifax and James secured solid victories in the College Netball 1sts league on Sunday afternoon, to start their campaigns in fine fashion.
Alcuin beat Vanbrugh 37-11 with a polished performance. Shooters Olivia Rainey, Grace Clarke and Charlotte Winter were on top form, rivalled only by James’ goal attack Tessa Russell in the day’s netball 1sts matches.

Vanbrugh for their part showed persistence, and Alcuin’s sloppy start to the second half nearly let them back into the game. Luckily for Alcuin, they settled down and came to dominate the second half scoring. Alcuin captain Megan Knight was impressed by her team, especially as it was “an integration of old and new players.”

Drawing the short straw, James and Goodricke played outdoors in the chilling wind and light drizzle. Undeterred, James won 29-7. Wilmink, the James captain, said “it felt like we’d been playing together for ages though for most of the team it had only been a few weeks.

Finally, Halifax beat Derwent 8-1 in the tent. The race for the title, and to represent the university at Varsity, is well underway.