Blind date

Poppy Danby flutters in with her bow and arrow to matchmake…

Alice on Dom

Hopes and fears before the date?
I was really worried we wouldn’t have anything to talk about or that I’d spill food down myself.

What’s your usual type?
Tall, sporty and funny.

First impressions?
He seemed really nice, it was good because I felt he was just as apprehensive as I was.

Any awkward moments?
The ‘couples photo’ at the beginning, as we hadn’t really even said hello yet.

What did you eat and how was the food?
I had the chicken kiev, and we splashed out and went for pudding too, all very tasty.

Marks out of 10?
How were his table manners?
Very good.

His best feature?
He seemed able to talk about anything.

His worst feature?
He didn’t like tomatoes.

Would you introduce him to your friends?
Yeah sure.

How did you part?
A nice normal hug goodbye.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
I’d probably have had the scampi instead.
Would you like to meet up with Dom again?
Yeah sure, why not?

Dom and Alice on their date


Dom on Alice

Hopes and fears before the date?
I was hoping for confirmation that I am not horrible to spend time with! I was a bit worried that conversation might not flow that easily too.

What’s your usual type?
Erm, I don’t really have one! A girl that can make me laugh is a big plus.

First impressions?
Alice seemed very nice, very confident.

What did you chat about?
All kinds of things really. Music, travelling, sport, food, rowing, jobs, life aspirations. We covered quite a bit!

How were her table manners?
I didn’t really notice! They seemed most adequate.
Any awkward moments?
Apart from me having to go to the bar to ask for some mayonnaise, not really, conversation flowed pretty well.

Her best feature?
She’s pretty and is good at conversation.

Her worst feature?
Hmm. She rows?

Could she meet the parents?
Yeah, why not.

Marks out of 10?
Scoring people is difficult! 8? I don’t know.

Would you like to meet up with Alice again?
Sure, I’m not sure what the context would be, but I’d happily see her again.