Battle of the Queen Bees

blairandsummerBlair Waldorf, Gossip Girl‘s calculating and manipulative, but damaged and vulnerable trust-fund princess and Summer Roberts, The OC‘s sassy and fast-talking It Girl square up…

1. Best Quote?

Blair: “Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” [WIN]

Summer: “I’m sweating to death, driving ten miles an hour, on, like, a rickshaw, listening to this…music.@

2. Best Moment?

Blair: Banishing Jenny Humphrey from the Upper East Side was a crowning glory. [WIN]

Summer: In L.A., Paris Hilton uses Summer’s own phrase against her: “Orange County? Ew.”

3. Most Impressive Skill.

Blair: Blair’s scheming is flawless. She’s never failed to outsmart an opponent when challenged.

Summer: Proving that popular girls don’t have to stick to the clique. [WIN]

4. Best Comeback.

Blair: “Forget running Anne Archibald’s charity. I’ll be negotiating peace in the Sudan.”

Summer: “I wasn’t talking to you. And if you repeat anything you heard, I’ll kill you.” [WIN]

5. Best Love Interest

Blair: Chuck Bass, of course. While the relationship might have swung wildly in intensity, and even seen Blair marry the Prince of Monaco, in the end she came to her senses and realised that Chuck was the perfect fit for her. [WIN]

Summer: Seth! So adorable, geeky and fundamentally lovely. Finally taking a victory for the nice, dorky guy in Orange County. Who could forget the Hot-Dog Stand Proclamation? “Acknowledge  me now or lose me forever.”

There was never any doubt who’d emerge victorious. Summer’s just a little too light-weight to go toe-to-toe with Queen Bitch Blair.