Bag Man-ia

As a third year student I have pretty much hit rock- bottom. My passport is currently lining the Yorkshire pavements along with my dignity and where there formerly were textbooks the underside of my bed now contains only vodka bottles, club flyers and the memories of nights best left undivulged. Last year’s series of unfortunate events culminated in my being mistaken for a homeless person whilst attempting to catch the train by a kind-hearted yet misinformed member of the Armed Forces. That being said I start the year with the healthiest of livers and the best of intentions to look, feel and act like a fine and upstanding tenant of rented accommodation.

This is where a bag comes in, from the Wizard of Oz to Hermione Granger the literary world suggests bags as the key to such numerous tasks as ruling Oz to escaping from Death Eaters, so surely keeping my cash from flying out in Subway and providing a safe and stable home for my Oyster card. Problem solved? not so, as the Willow have ceased production of Fong inspired totes I have been forced to the internet to fuel my quest for the perfect man-bag. As the name suggest I search for a MAN bag underline, capitalise, full stop yet one that is also waterproof with plentiful snack storage and obviously one that screams employable, confident success! And cyberspace does not disappoint, crammed with millions of metrosexual models designed to inspire and elucidate self confidence and cash withdrawal. But am I, of formerly misidentified homelessness really the blonde in the Marni sweater with what looks like 12K worth of dental comestics and perfect skin to boot. The Devil inside me screams YES! whilst the pessimist quietly makes himself tea and reaches for all parties to come to a mutually agreeable detente. After much soul searching and one viewing of Eat Pray Love sensible shopping supersedes self doubt and -whilst the Mulberry Brynmor in tan may be slightly too aspirational- something sleek and stylish need not come at the expense of ones soul.


The Dream Bag – Mulberry £595

When considering a man- bag many variables must be taken into consideration, such as size, shape, content, functionality and durability. It is then and only then that size, shape and design need come into play. For me this meant looking at practical rucksack or satchel as the library worth of books I shall no doubt be carting around post- delivery in all weathers come rain or shine requires a scholarly touch whilst also being entirely multi-functional and therefore suited to the many demands of my successful new existence. Whilst an autumnal colour scheme of navy blue or soft gray to alleviate the pain of future ink stains in a material that can withstand the wash and the crumbs of a multitude of muffins, cakes and assorted pastries grabbed on the go.

The Practical Rucksack – Eastpak £45

Keurouac espouses the glories of a ‘rucksack revolution’ which defies consumerism and takes meaning in self discovery and worldly beauty. I challenge this theory by suggesting the purchase of said rucksack and consequently embracing the consumer marketplace one can achieve self discovery without any need for travel insurance. Whilst the compassionate amongst us walk a mile in anothers shoes I will be strolling through town with a blue check satchel from Boxfresh, at least once the delivery arrives!

The Chosen Bag – Boxfresh £35