20 Questions: The Blackout

1) What is your earliest memory?
A Mr T blow up punch bag.

2) What’s your favourite gigging anecdote?
When we played an impromptu gig at a German festival blind drunk in fancy dress. I was a gayer Freddy Mercury (if that’s possible). Sean was a pirate, Snoz wore a shell suit, Matt was I think also a pirate, Rhys was a Mexican and Bob was batgirl.

3) What would your super-power be?
To fly faster than the speed of sound. Then I wouldn’t have to sit on flights.

4 Cats or Dogs?
Considering I only have a cat… Dogs.

5) What’s bugging you at the moment?
Twitter, it may be the downfall of humanity.

6) Who are your musical influences?
I listen to everything from Queen to Every time I die, from Adele to Cancer Bats.

7) What couldn’t you live without?

8) What’s your favourite joke?
Two fish in a tank and one says to the other, “How the fuck do you drive this thing.”

9) Snog, marry, avoid: Taylor Swift, Rita Ora, Dita Von Teese?
Marry Taylor Swift that way you get to snog her too. Snog Dita Von Teese, I don’t know why but I think she’d mess me around, and avoid Rita Ora ‘cos’ I’m not quite sure which one she is.

10) What do you wish you’d invented/discovered?
Star Wars, that way they would have been left alone to grow old gracefully and not have a series of botched face lifts.

11) If you could live in any mythical/fictional world which would it be?
The Shire seems like a fairly pleasant place to live. All they do is drink, smoke and generally enjoy life.

12) If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would it be?
Pterodactyl so we could tame them and ride them.

13) What’s your favourite song at the moment?
Taylor Swift – ‘Trouble When You Walked In’. But I got to big up the wife’s songs.

14) What luxury would you take to a desert island?
Solar Panels.

15) Tea or Coffee?

16) What’s your worst habit?
Biting my nails.

17) Who would you have at your ideal dinner party?
Kiefer Sutherland and my friends.

18) What’s your favourite smell?

19) If you were a biscuit, which would you be and why?
I definitely wouldn’t be a Rich Tea.

20) What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Be yourself and of what you enjoy doing.

The Blackout’s new
album, Start The Party
is out January 21st.