20 Questions with Li Chen

aboutLi Chen’s webcomic, Extra Ordinary Comics, is filled with amusing vignettes into the mind of Chen. Often drawing her adventures with her partner Jordan and her cat, she talks to Vision about her biggest achievement, her inspirations and her ideal 24 hours.

1. What was the idea that started “Extra Ordinary Comics”?

I started the comic while I was unemployed after graduating from university. It’s based loosely on me, my partner Jordan, and my cat Shoelace.

2. Is Shoelace the cat always so mischievous?

I think both comic-Shoelace and real-Shoelace are pretty mischievous. He’s so cute that I find it hard to punish him when he’s naughty. I think I probably spoil him a bit.

3. What is a typical day in the life of Li Chen?

I usually go for a walk in the morning, it helps my brain wake up. Then I draw things, have lunch, draw things, have dinner, and then I usually spend evenings hanging out with Jordan, or reading, or general interneting, then bed! It’s not hugely exciting, I like having a routine.

4. What one temptation do you wish you could resist?

I would like to have enough self discipline to not check my social media things all the time, or just being on the internet in general. Usually I can get into a zone when I work, but if I’m procrastinating then I can waste hours on facebook, twitter, reddit, etc.

5. How would you spend your fantasy 24 hours with no travel restrictions?

Last year Jordan and I went to DisneySea in Tokyo and I had so much fun so I’d love to do that day over. We were there for 13 hours straight! It was so awesome, like being a kid again. I love theme parks!

6. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

Hmm, poke Shoelace all day, watch his face be all like ‘Whhaaa?’

7. What is the one treasured item that you’ve lost and wish you could have again?

I was born in China and when I was four my grandparents sent me to a special kindergarten to learn English and I had a bright orange typewriter that I would use to type words from a dictionary. I’d really like to have that typewriter back, I’m not sure what happened to it.

8. Describe yourself in three words.

I like drawing.

9. What is your earliest memory?

I remember walking home from kindergarten with my granddad and I would always run ahead and get home first and hide. Then when he got home, my grandma would say that I never arrived and then she would pretend to tell my granddad off for losing me and I would try really hard not to laugh and give myself away.

10. What do you do to relax?

Drink tea, listen to music, do more drawing.

11. What is your biggest achievement?

I think last year’s Kickstarter campaign to publish my first two collected volumes of Extra Ordinary would be my biggest achievement. The whole project took most of the year: the Kickstarter, designing the books, getting them printed, and shipping them all out. Every part of the process was a huge learning curve and I’m really proud of how the books turned out. It was the best and the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

12. Who inspires you?

When I see anyone working hard to master a skill or trade, it inspires and motivates me to focus and work hard on my own work.

I also have phases where I love certain artists’ work or style. It’s always changing as I find new stuff I like.

13. What is your party trick?

Haha, I don’t think I have any party tricks. I have a hitchhiker’s thumb, is that cool?

14. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Do what you love. Be productive.

15. What is the best job you could have?

I would be crazy happy if I could live in Tokyo and make art for Studio Ghibli. Their movies inspire me so much, I love the surreal sense of whimsy they have.

16. And what is the worst job you could have?

I’m a bit of a germaphobe so I wouldn’t like to have a job that gets too dirty.

17. What is your favourite joke?

There are two sausages frying in a pan and one sausage turns to the other and says ‘man, it’s so hot in here’ and the other goes ‘AHH! A talking sausage!’  Makes me laugh EVERYTIME.

18. Who would you have at your ideal dinner party?

Just like, a tableful of cats. Cuddly ones.

19. What is your favourite smell?

Petrichor – the smell of rain. Also, vanilla.

20. What advice would you give to people who want to go into the illustration industry?

Practice your craft a lot. Be confident. Meet like-minded people.