20 Questions with Robin Ince

Vision: I hear in the past you’ve fancied yourself as a bit of a singer.. who are your musical heroes?
Robin Ince: Nick Cave, David Bowie, Morrissey, and Johnny Marr.

V: You have a big interest in Science – did you always want to be a comedian?
From the age of ten I wanted to be a writer, and stand up is a pretty good vehicle for making sure your written ideas, at least, get spouted. I could never have been a scientist, as I am too stupid and too easily distracted. I don’t have the patience for experiments with waves and particles.

V: What are your pre-performance routines and demands?
About ten minutes before the gig I think, “Oh no, I need to go to the toilet again”.. that’s it really.

V: Who’s your favourite comedian?
John Hegley or Rik Mayall.

V: When you aren’t on tour, what do you get up to?
I run around a park with my two year old son singing songs with nonsense words.

V: Which region are the easiest to get a laugh out of?
I’m not sure I can narrow it down – I enjoy most of the places I play. I have a soft spot for Manchester though.

V: Can you recommend an up-and-coming comedian to Vision readers?
No, they are all rubbish. I don’t need any competition from young people, though Sean Walsh is pretty good.

V: What would have to happen for you to change something controversial in your act?
I would have to realise that the tears I’d caused would outweigh the point of the joke..they could be the audience’s tears or mine.

V: What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
I was a little disconcerted when I tore some tendons out of my hand, when I was three.

V: Who’s your favourite character on ‘The Office’ and why?
Stuart Foote of course – the much underrated blink-or-you’ll-miss-him-character that I played.. I still get payments of £2.73 for sales to Bulgaria.

V: Who was the least friendly celebrity you’ve ever met?
Piers Morgan, fortunately. (This is actually true).

V: What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
Narrow it down to one? ‘Hangover Square’ by Patrick Hamilton, or ‘Nausea or The Trial’ or ‘The Beast in Man’ or ‘Bee Season’ by Myla Godlberg or ..

V: What’s the one thing that you couldn’t live without?
I’d find living without my glasses tricky

V: If you could be any superhero who would it be?
Cyclops from X-Men.

V: What would you like to be remembered for most?
For not being a total bastard!

V: You perform regularly at festivals; what is your festival highlight?
When I performed an impromptu musical about giant killer crabs with Robyn Hitchcock at Latitude, and doing a gig behind a tree at end of the road.

V: What’s your favourite sort of music?
My favourite band are The Smiths.

V: If you stumbled across a time machine, what would you do?
I am wary of time travel. I am bound to go back in time, tread on a butterfly, and return to discover that that one action means the course of time has been changed and the earth is now ruled by zombie caterpillars. You’ve got to be careful when you’re mucking around with the fabric of time.

V: Favourite Doctor Who?
Tom Baker

V: Vision or Nouse?

[Editor: not a total bastard after all then…]

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