What’s On My Kindle

Necrophiliac Variations by Supervert

It has really beautiful prose. I wasn’t sure whether or not it was supposed to be erotica, but I got more tuned into the weird Halloweeny vibe than turned on. It’s all about exploring death and the beauty of emptiness, and, as a recovering emo, I appreciated it. Favourite quote: “You can’t kiss death without death kissing you back”

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

This is one of my favourite books in the world. It’s a better book than the film about the crazy, psychotic nature of 1980s hyper capitalism. It starts off with a very detailed description of the protagonist’s beauty regime, but keep reading and you’ll get to hear about a rat nibbling its way through a brie-smeared vagina. Halloweeny. Kind of.

Crow by Ted Hughes

This is a poetry anthology, not technically a novel, but I read it in its entirety after reading a few poems from it and loving them. It’s very dark and disturbing, exploring the mind of the disillusioned and probably mentally ill Hughes. Look out for barbed comments about Plath and lots of reference to dismemberment. Horrifically beautiful.